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internal revenue service (IRS)

Job Search and Moving Expenses

Many taxpayers are unaware that they may be able to deduct the costs of searching for a job or moving to start work for a new employer.  The IRS allows taxpayers to write off their reasonable moving expenses under certain conditions, as well as the necessary expenses...

Casualty Losses for Natural Disasters

According to the IRS, taxpayers can claim casualty losses from all kinds of natural disasters, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods.  In general, the criteria for claiming a casualty loss as a tax deduction is that it must be a...

Tax Effects of a Home Foreclosure

If you’re facing a home foreclosure, you are probably already concerned about your financial future.  However, in some cases, you may find that your foreclosure comes with an unexpected problem: a tax bill.  Some situations may result in a taxable gain that may cause...

The Student Loan Interest Deduction

Taxpayers who are making payments on student loans may qualify to deduct the interest portion of their payments on their federal income tax returns.  According to the IRS, the student loan interest deduction is available to those who meet certain conditions and income...